Last weekend I headed down to London to attend an MTI CPD workshop about Massage for Dancers, hosted by MTI London & Home Counties, Jennie Parke Matheson and Jen Wren. Travelling to London for a workshop seemed a bit of a trek, but it was hosted in Whittington Hospital which is conveniently close to a friend of mine so I could combine it with a social visit (and save on a hotel room!).
This full day workshop allowed us to learn about Dancers, how they use their bodies and the particular demands on them created by their intensive training, auditioning and performing schedules. Jen is professional dancer, and along with Erin Pollitt and Eleesha Drennan, they demonstrated example movements, helped us understand the language used to describe their bodies and the motions they went though, and finally allowed us to explore some abdominal and pelvic area massage techniques important to treating clients who move in this way.
It was great to meet some of the London MTI practitioners and practise some techniques which don’t tend to crop up that much in my average massage session!
My next bit of CPD is also with Jen Wren, this time a workshop on therapeutic kinesiology taping in April.
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